Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Belarus

Crackdown against independent media continues to grip Belarus

Belarus secret service agents have raided the apartments of detained journalist Irina Khalip and her mother, Lyutsina Khalip, seizing the journalist’s computer, according to Charter 97, an independent news website. Lyutsina is currently struggling to prevent the authorities taking custody of her three-year-old grandson. A decision is expected at the end of the month, when […]

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IPI top 10 press freedom stories 2010

This year ushered in a number of major setbacks for the media across the globe, including the threat of new, oppressive media laws, most notably in Egypt, South Africa, Zambia, Hungary and Bermuda, to name but a few countries. There were also at least 66 deaths of journalists reported in 2010, down significantly from the record 110 […]

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IPI/SEEMO concerned at continued investigation and detention of Belarus journalists following mass arrests and assault earlier this month

The International Press Institute (IPI), and its affiliate organisation, the South and East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), are alarmed that dozens of journalists arrested in a brutal police crackdown on demonstrations that followed the re-election of President Alexander Lukashenko on 19 December remain in prison, some of them reportedly in KGB investigation wards. According to […]

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Belarus authorities obstruct media coverage

About 20 local and foreign journalists were beaten and jailed in Minsk last week by Belarusian authorities after an opposition rally that followed the announcement of President Alexander Lukashenko’s reelection victory, according to estimates from the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). Most of those arrested are to remain in custody between five and 15 days. […]

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