The International Press Institute is welcoming nominations from its members and the general public for the 2012 IPI Free Media Pioneer Award.

Since 1996, IPI has recognized the work of one media organization each year that has improved press freedom and media independence in its home country or region.

In keeping with tradition, this year’s IPI Free Media Pioneer will be presented with the award during a special ceremony at IPI’s Annual World Congress, which will take place from 23-26 June 2012 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

“At IPI, we believe in the power of journalists helping journalists, and media helping media. With the IPI Free Media Pioneer Award, we want to put a spotlight on those media organizations that are pushing press freedom forward in their countries through their sustained efforts, professionalism and boldness, and often in the face of great risk,” said IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie. “If there is an organization near you whose efforts are raising the bar and expanding the space for quality news and debate, we want to hear from you, particularly if that work is innovative or pioneering.”

IPI is looking for nominees that have increased press freedom in their countries, whether by raising expectations of what the public can expect from the news, or through innovations that have improved access to the news or the quality of the news, or through their tireless defence of press freedom in ways that have benefited not only themselves, but the entire journalist and media community.

Previous winners include a diverse and international array of media organizations, from newspapers to radio stations, news agencies and press councils. These include Radio Kalima (2011), Radio Okapi (2010), Novaya Gazeta (2009), Talking Points Memo (2008), Mizzima News Agency (2007), Yemen Times (2006), and many others.

Those who would like to nominate a potential Free Media Pioneer should send their submissions to [email protected] before 10 February 2012. Multiple submissions are welcome.