On September 30, 2023, journalist Samira Sabou was detained at her home in Niamey, the capital of Niger, by men believed to be plainclothes security agents. Sabou previously published critical reports on suspected embezzlement by top military officials under the regime of President Mahamadou Issifou, the predecessor of Mohamed Bazoum, who was ousted in a military coup on August 26. She also published critical stories on her social media page. At the time this incident was recorded, Sabou’s whereabouts remained unknown. On October 11, she was provisionally released and charged with ” intelligence for a foreign power”, a treasonous offense that carries the death penalty. According to reports, before her release, Sabou’s phone was confiscated by the police, and she was ordered to provide one week’s notice if she intends to travel.

1 case
Africa: Niger
Arrest/detention/charges: Arrest/lawsuits
Surveillance/endangering Source Protection: Confiscation of a reporter's or media outlet's equipment, notes, mobile phone