The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the physical assault on Levent Gültekin, a columnist and programme host at Turkey’s Halk TV, on March 8, 2021 and called on Turkish authorities to open a prompt and thorough investigation to find the assailants and hold them to account.

Gültekin posted on social media that he had been attacked by around 25 assailants in front of Halk TV’s Istanbul office in Bakırköy as he was entering the station for his TV programme. Halk TV later released a CCTV footage that shows the assault. It shows Gültekin being attacked by a group of assailants and being kicked on the floor several times. Gültekin said later that he was seriously injured, though his fingers were broken while he was trying to protect his face. The journalist indicated that assault might be the result of his recent criticism toward the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a far-right political party that is allied with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

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