22 year old cameraman, Ahmed Ismael Al-Samadi was shot last night while covering a protest in Salmabad, according to reports. He was reportedly taken to International Hospital by his family and was later pronounced dead.

According to the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), a protest in Salmabad began peacefully and then was allegedly suppressed by security forces, who are said to have used tear gas and rubber bullets against the protesters. Reuters reported that security forces were accompanied by armed in men in civilian cars who fired live rounds.

Al-Samadi was a well known photographer, often documenting protests in the area. According to various reports, he was filming the violent suppression of the protest when he was shot in the thigh and pelvis by armed men in a civilian car. BCHR claim that Al-Samadi was shot for “apparently holding a visible video camera”. Al-Samadi was taken to hospital to by his family, who were interrogated by Criminal Investigation Directorate officers.

The Bahraini Minister of Interior verified the death, noting that the “medical examiner attributes death of Ahmed Ismael to a single bullet wound. Public prosecution investigation continues.”

Ahmed Ismael Al-Samadi is the third journalist to be killed in Bahrain since the start of protests in February 2011, according to the IPI Death Watch. IPI Press Freedom Manager, Barbara Trionfi, said: “Our condolences go out to Ahmed’s family and friends. Journalists should be able to cover protests without fear of violence. IPI calls for a full, thorough, and independent investigation into the murder of Ahmed Ismael Al-Samadi.”