A journalist with the Arabic Media Agency died on 25 September, five days after he was hit in the face by sniper fire while covering protests in the Yemeni city of Sanaa, reports said.

Hassan al-Wadhaf is the third journalist to be killed in Yemen this year, according to the IPI Death Watch. The others, Mohamed Yahia Al-Malayia and Jamal Ahmed al-Sharabi, also died from injuries sustained while covering anti-government protests on 18 March.

Violence has escalated as protestors calling for an end to the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh have been attacked with live ammunition. Journalists covering these events are in continual danger, and also face the threat of arrest or attack for their work.

“Our condolences go to the family and colleagues of Hassan al-Wadhaf,” said IPI Press Freedom Manager Anthony Mills. “We salute the courage of the journalists who risk their lives to tell the story of what is happening in Yemen, and urge all sides to protect the safety of members of the press.”