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Five journalists in Colombia fear for their lives after pamphlet calls them ‘military targets’

A pamphlet signed by a shadowy group known only as “Los Doce del Patíbulo” has threatened five journalists in the city of Cartago, Colombia with death, according to local newspaper El Diario. The pamphlet, first circulated on 21 February, says that individuals who are opposed to current Cartago mayor Germán González Osorio, and who have […]

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Harassment of Ghanaian journalists continues, despite government assurances

A newspaper journalist in Accra, the capital of Ghana, has been attacked for the second time in less than a month, prompting concerns that the press freedom environment in the West African country – long considered to be one of the best on the continent – is deteriorating. Jos Garneo Cephas, a reporter with the Daily […]

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Health of imprisoned Tunisian journalist reportedly failing

Tunisian Journalist Taoufik Ben Brik, who has been in custody since October 2009, is in danger of losing his life as a result of his failing health, poor prison conditions and negligent care by prison officials, according to reports from the Tunisia Monitoring Group (TMG), a coalition of 20 press freedom organisations. Ben Brik was […]

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Somali journalist arrested by Al-Shabab militia after reporting on execution

Somali radio journalist Ali Yusuf Adan was kidnapped on 21 February by Al Shabab militia soldiers after filing two reports on executions by the ultra-conservative militants. Ali Yusuf Adan, 47, who worked for the private broadcaster Radio Somaliweyn in the west of the country, was detained 100 km northwest of the capital, Mogadishu, and taken […]

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