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In conversation with Yemeni editor Nadia Al-Saqqaf

In a March 2 interview with the International Press Institute (IPI), Nadia al-Saqqaf, editor-in-chief of the Yemen Times spoke of the challenges of practicing journalism in Yemen, and about the resilience of the Yemeni media. “The situation for newspapers and the media generally is very uncertain; it’s very volatile,” al-Saqqaf said of the current working conditions. […]

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IPI director addresses pan Africa media conference in Nairobi

International Press Institute (IPI) Director David Dadge on Friday addressed the Pan Africa Media Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, as part of a panel entitled “Media Freedom: A Balance Sheet.” In his speech – “Learning to Let Go: How the Refusal of African Presidents and Political Parties to Relinquish Power Harms Media Freedom” – Dadge told […]

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IPI supports The Citizen newspaper in South Africa constitutional challenge

The International Press Institute (IPI) today declared its support for the position of the South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) and Appeal Judge KK Mthiyane in the case of The Citizen vs. Robert McBride. IPI believes that South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeals (SCA) ruled in contravention of the right to freedom of speech – […]

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On 7th anniversary of Cuba’s clampdown on independent journalism, IPI calls for immediate release of journalists

Seven years after Cuba’s notorious Black Spring clampdown on independent journalism, IPI calls for the immediate release of the 19 journalists jailed in 2003 who still remain in prison, as well as of the six other journalists jailed after 2003. On 18 March 2003, the government of Fidel Castro launched a crackdown on dissent in […]

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