Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Letter: IPI concerned at reports about the Pentagon’s placement of stories in Iraqi press

H.E. Donald H. Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000 USA Fax: +1-703-697 83 39 Vienna, 16 December 2005 Dear Mr. Secretary, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives, is writing to express its concern at recent articles […]

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Letter: PI appeals to South African President to raise the issue of press freedom in neighbouring Zimbabwe

H.E. Thabo Mbeki President of South Africa The Presidency Union Buildings, West Wing Government Avenue Pretoria 0001 Republic of South Africa Fax: (+ 2712) 323 82 46 / 2573 Vienna, 14 December 2005 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives in over 110 countries, invites […]

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Letter: IPI dismayed at imprisonment of several Ethiopian journalists

H.E. Ato Meles Zenawi Prime Minister Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia P.O. Box 1031 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251 1 552 020 Vienna, 14 December 2005 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives in over 110 countries, is writing to express its dismay at the […]

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IPI deplores editor’s murder

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, strongly condemns the death of IPI member Gebran Tueni, editor and general manager of the Beirut independent daily An-Nahar. A prominent journalist and an opposition Member of Parliament, Tueni was killed along with three others on 12 December in an […]

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