Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI completes press freedom mission to Venezuela

The International Press Institute (IPI) on Wednesday completed a four-day press freedom advocacy mission to Venezuela, during which it held discussions with leading editors and journalists from a broad range of media, as well as representatives of journalists’ associations, civil society and academia. IPI conducted the mission to make an objective assessment of the current […]

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PRESS FREEDOM UPDATE: Court rules Zambian editor must face contempt charges

Two days after a Zambian court threw out the obscenity charges brought against the Post News Editor Chansa Kabwela, Lusaka Magistrate David Simusamba has ruled that the newspaper’s owner and editor, Fred M’membe, must nonetheless defend himself against “contempt” charges for an op-ed published in his paper about the Kabwela case. M’membe’s trial is now set for […]

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IPI / SEEMO Joint Statement: Turkish journalist sentenced in absentia to over two years in prison for “insulting” public officials

A journalist from Turkey’s Adıyaman province returned to his hometown last week after receiving medical treatment in Istanbul, to find that a local criminal court had sentenced him in absentia to over two years in prison for insulting public officials, reports IPI Turkey. Authorities in the eastern province’s Gerger district had brought criminal charges against […]

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Two reporters shot as security conditions deteriorate in Somalia

Two journalists have been shot at and wounded in the last two days in what continues to be a hostile environment for journalists, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). Voice of America (VOA) reporter Mohammed Yasin Isak was shot in the shoulder Tuesday evening at around 8 p.m. while returning to his […]

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