Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

SEEMO Human Rights Award 2009 to Pavol Demes from Slovakia

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East and Central Europe and an affiliate of the International Press institute (IPI), is pleased to announce that after careful deliberation the SEEMO Board has awarded the ”SEEMO Human Rights Award 2009” to Pavol Demes, an internationally […]

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Independent newspaper Addis Neger closes and its editors flee Ethiopia, fearing persecution

Three editors of independent Amharic-language weekly Addis Neger have fled Ethiopia, saying that the government intends to prosecute them under Anti-Terrorism Proclamation No. 652/2009, promulgated on 28 August 2009. The last edition of the newspaper, which has been closed down, appeared on Saturday, 28 November. On Friday, Managing Editor Mesfin Negash, Executive Editor Abiye Teklemariam and Editor-in-chief […]

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“The government considers the press an enemy” says head of Bolivian media freedom organisation

On Sunday 6 December, Bolivians will cast their votes in general elections, with the re-election of the incumbent President, Evo Morales, at stake. However, the voting will take place in a media climate that many among the country’s independent press describe as increasingly oppressive and aggressive. In recent weeks alone, attacks on the media have included […]

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Attack against Pakistani journalist’s house still unpunished

Six days after the attack against columnist Kamran Shafi in Pakistan’s Punjab region, police have made little progress in bringing the perpetrators to justice. Shafi’s house in the city of Wah was fired upon by unknown gunmen late on 27 November. Shafi and his family were inside the house at the time of the attack. […]

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