Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

LGBTQ+ Pride Month: The challenges and successes of LGBTQ+ journalists around the world

As LGBTQ+ Pride Month draws to a close, IPI is publishing a special series about the experiences of LGBTQ+ journalists in diverse environments around the world, as well as the challenges that many continue to face. LGBTQ+ people face risks globally, regardless of their occupation. Among the 194 U.N. member states, 62 countries have laws […]

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Belarus: Amid authoritarian crackdown, journalists and the LGBTQ+ community face intersecting threats

In Belarus, journalists and members of the LGBTQ+ community face alarmingly restrictive landscapes.  Thirty-four journalists are currently jailed in Belarus, according to the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). Most are charged with “extremist activities” or “violating public order” as part of the crackdown on the press following the 2020 presidential election. More recently, BAJ was […]

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Colombia: For queer journalists, identity helps inform their reporting

Mariana Escobar Bernoske and Felipe Morales Sierra are both reporters at El Espectador, one of Colombia’s biggest national newspapers, working in the Gender and Diversity section and the Judicial section, respectively. Both a part of the LGBTQ+ community, they find that their identity as queer journalists informs their reporting on their respective beats.  For Escobar […]

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Ethiopia: ‘Constant terror’ for LGBTQ+ journalists, even those in the closet

In Ethiopia, “when you’re a journalist, once or twice you will end up in jail”, said a journalist who spoke to IPI requested anonymity. But for an LGBTQ+ journalist, they said, this could mean an investigation into one’s personal life — and if someone is found to be queer, they could be charged and imprisoned […]

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