Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

#IPIWoCo Recap: The big idea

From AI to open-source reporting, five media practitioners shared their forward-thinking approaches to media innovation during “The Big Idea” session at the recent 2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival. Much of the conversation, moderated by Danuta Bregula, expert-in-residence at the Media Development Investment Fund, focused on how different newsroom types can effectively and […]

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Jordan: Satirical news website Al-Hudood blocked amid media freedom decline in the country

IPI condemns the blocking of satirical news site Al-Hudood, a London-based satire website often compared as the Arabic-language alternative to The Onion, by Jordanian authorities.  No reasoning has been provided by the government as to why the site has been blocked or if any particular reporting triggered action against the site. However, some are speculating, […]

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South Africa: Court overturns gag order on investigative news site Amabhungane

The IPI global network welcomes a South African High Court decision overturning a gag order against investigative outlet Amabhungane in relation to its reporting on the Moti Group company.  Moti Group had brought legal action against Amabhungane after the news outlet, using leaked files, published a critical exposé on the company’s business activities in Zimbabwe […]

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Media freedom and journalist groups call on EU to secure effective Media Freedom Act

To the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission On behalf of media freedom, journalists and human rights organizations across Europe, we call upon the European Union institutions to negotiate a strong and effective European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) that can counter media capture and protect editorial independence and media pluralism across Europe. […]

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