Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

The Outlook: Filling information gaps in news deserts

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. This is The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter where we look at actionable advice and fresh perspectives on the pressing challenges facing independent media. This week, we’re learning from newsrooms that have succeeded in […]

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Zimbabwe elections: Authorities must respect media freedom

On August 23, Zimbabwe will conduct its general elections. Ahead of the vote, the IPI global network calls on the authorities to allow journalists to cover the election and its outcome freely and safely. IPI condemns the recent restrictions on local and international journalists from accessing information, including the arbitrary denial of accreditation to observe […]

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Bangladesh: IPI welcomes repeal and replacement of Digital Security Act

The IPI global network welcomes the recent decision by the Bangladeshi government to repeal and replace the Digital Security Act, which has been repeatedly abused for years to harass and intimidate journalists. However, authorities must now consult with local civil society and human rights experts to ensure the proposed replacement, the Cyber Security Act, is […]

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Guatemala: Two journalists killed in armed attack

IPI is shocked and saddened by the killing of two Guatemalan journalists by unidentified assailants on Friday, August 11, and calls on the local authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice. The armed attack that resulted in the killing of Edin Alonso and Hugo Gutiérrez took place in the Caballo […]

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