Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Zimbabwe: IPI urges the new government to prioritize media freedom and safety of journalists

The IPI global network calls on the newly elected government of Zimbabwe to demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding democracy and access to information by prioritizing press freedom and the safety of journalists. We urge the government to take concrete steps to ensure that journalists can work freely and independently, including by ensuring accreditation and registration […]

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IPI Joins Calls to Strengthen State Advertising Provisions in the European Media Freedom Act

The International Press Institute joins 14 media freedom and civil society organizations to call on the European Parliament to strengthen provisions in the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), to prevent abuse of state advertising by governments that reward pliant media and punish independent journalism. The European Parliament is due to finalise its position in October […]

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Polish media grapple with unprecedented challenges and uncertain future as the country faces electoral crossroads

At the conclusion of their press freedom mission to Warsaw from 11-13 September, partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) declared that the media and journalists in Poland are facing unprecedented challenges including legal threats, financial precarity, political pressure, regulatory capture and growing polarisation. The delegation, comprised of representatives of ARTICLE 19 Europe, […]

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Kyrgyzstan: IPI writes letter to security authorities denouncing censorship of Kloop

On Wednesday, September 13, internet providers in Kyrgyzstan began blocking access to, a popular independent news site and part of IPI’s global network of independent editors, media and journalists. The access block was requested by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Culture, following a complaint by Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee of National Security, which demanded the removal […]

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