Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Independence through sustainability: Innovation highlights from IPI in 2023

To receive regular updates on IPI’s media innovation work, and case studies from our global network, sign up to our newsletter The Outlook. Independent media outlets are up against challenges ranging from low public trust to unstable revenue models, and they are vulnerable to political and technological changes – of which there have been many […]

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Upheaval at Polish public broadcaster must lead to comprehensive reform to restore and safeguard independence

The new Polish government’s abrupt dismissal of the supervisory bodies of the country’s public television broadcaster TVP and national news agency PAP risks setting an alarming precedent that must be urgently rectified by new rules to permanently protect these institutions’ independence, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. The previous Law and Justice (PiS) government […]

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Greece: Media and journalists targeted in second lawsuit by PM’s nephew over spyware revelations

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemns the multi-million-euro legal action taken against media and journalists by the nephew of the country’s prime minister over their revelations about his connections to the ‘Predatorgate’ spyware scandal and renews its calls for measures to combat vexatious lawsuits against the press in Greece. On 24 November, Grigoris Dimitriadis, […]

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Israel: Government must grant international media immediate access to Gaza

The IPI global network stands with the Foreign Press Association of Israel in demanding that the Israeli government grant international media immediate access to report from inside the Gaza Strip. The FPA said that foreign journalists have been denied the right to access and report independently from inside Gaza without the presence of IDF troops […]

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