Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Case studies: How IPI’s Local News Accelerator helped three media take the next step

Receive regular updates on IPI’s innovation and media sustainability work by subscribing to our newsletter, The Outlook: Media Innovation Unlocked. Local news outlets play a critical role in serving communities and supporting healthy democracies, but these organizations are often vulnerable to financial and technological challenges. IPI launched the Local News Accelerator to equip 12 local and […]

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Kazakhstan: IPI urges withdrawal of sudden changes in proposed media law

The IPI global network today urges members of Kazakhstan’s Majilis (lower house of parliament) to reconsider sudden changes to a proposed media law in Kazakhstan that would seriously restrict the work of foreign correspondents, as well as require online outlets to register with authorities, among other measures. Since 2022, authorities in Kazakhstan had been developing […]

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The Outlook: Why sales skills matter to every media business

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. This is The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter, where we take a look at tools and strategies for innovation, and learn from newsrooms that are implementing them. Today we are sharing some of the tips […]

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Report: Stemming the tide of Greek media freedom decline

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined press freedom groups who participated in a mission to Athens in September 2023 in publishing a report on the state of media freedom and independent journalism in Greece. The report was joined produced by IPI and ARTICLE 19 Europe, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), European Centre for Press […]

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