Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Turkey: Journalists attacked and hindered on presidential election day

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, journalists and media executives for press freedom, condemns the instances of violence and obstruction targeting journalists during the second round of presidential elections in Turkey on May 28, 2023. The attacks and hindrances against journalists are a blatant violation of press freedom and undermine the […]

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IPI General Assembly Resolution: Governments must ensure AI enables media freedom, healthy information ecosystems

The members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 72nd annual General Assembly during the IPI World Congress on May 25, 2023 in Vienna, Austria, adopted by unanimous vote a resolution calling on governments to ensure AI is developed and deployed with strong human rights safeguards that protect media freedom and enable independent, […]

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IPI General Assembly Resolution: States should implement the Vienna Call to Action for improving the safety of journalists and ending impunity

The members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 72nd annual General Assembly during the IPI World Congress on May 25, 2023 in Vienna, Austria, adopted by unanimous vote a resolution calling on states to implement the Vienna Call to Action – a set of concrete, actionable recommendations developed by civil society to […]

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IPI General Assembly Resolution: States committed to improving journalists’ safety must develop emergency visa programs for journalists at risk

The members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 72nd annual General Assembly during the IPI World Congress on May 25, 2023 in Vienna, Austria, adopted by unanimous vote a resolution calling on states that are committed to improving the safety of journalists – including Media Freedom Coalition (MFC) member states and partner […]

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