Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

#IPIWoCo Recap: The good and the bad of news on TikTok

TikTok and short-form video can be a huge asset to newsrooms, especially in reaching younger audiences, three TikTok natives said during the panel “Suddenly, It’s all TikTok all the time: Where does journalism fit?” on May 26 at the 2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival. Yet the format has real drawbacks, such as […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Podcasts: Talking personally at scale

The most successful podcasts break down the boundaries between local news and global affairs and bring listeners closer to the journalism process itself, three experts in the format explained at IPI’s 2023 World Congress and Media Innovation Festival. “People come [to podcasts] for a deeper understanding of the story and to engage with our journalists. […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Impactful journalism from exile

Increasing censorship and a crackdown on press freedom across the globe have forced many journalists and media outlets into exile. Reporting from abroad brings a host of challenges, including security threats and difficulties reaching audiences back home. The 2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival brought together panelists representing publishers and media development organizations […]

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Benin: Journalist given suspended prison term for ‘false news’

The IPI global network condemns the one-year suspended prison term given to Benin journalist Virgile Ahouanse of the online radio Crystal News after being found guilty of publishing false news on his online media platform.  IPI calls for the decision to be reversed and urges authorities to stop using the country’s digital code to crack […]

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