Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Imprisoned journalist close to death in Syria

In a letter to President Hafez al-Assad, IPI called on the Syrian government to exercise compassion and release the imprisoned journalist Nizar Nayouf. Nayouf is close to death in a Syrian military prison after suffering years of torture and denial of adequate medical care. He was arrested on 10 January 1992 and sentenced to ten […]

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Letter: IPI condemns murder of journalist in Spain

Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar Prime Minister’s Chancellery Madrid Spain Vienna, 10 May 2000 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute, the global network of editors and media executives, utterly condemns the brutal slaying of Jose Luis Lopez de la Calle of Spain’s El Mundo newspaper allegedly perpetrated by the Basque terrorist group ETA. Lopez de […]

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Letter: Family members and supporters of journalist beaten and arrested in Tunisia

His Excellency Zine El-Abdine Ben Ali President of the Republic of Tunisia Vienna, 3 May 2000 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemns the arrest of family members and supporters in order to intimidate and coerce journalists. On 26 April, Taoufik Ben Brick decided to call a halt to his 24-day old hunger […]

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Letter: Press offices burgled in Ethiopia

Werede Woldu Wolde Minister of Justice Ministry of Justice Addis Ababa Ethiopia 25 April 2000 Dear Minister, The International Press Institute (IPI) calls upon the Ethiopian police authorities to do everything within their power to bring to justice the culprits responsible for the break-in to the offices of the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association (EFJA) […]

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