Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

USA: Amid anti-trans legislation, Trans Journalists Association seeks to provide education and community

The United States is facing a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, especially bills restricting the rights of transgender people. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), in the 2023 legislative session, there are 491 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that have been introduced around the country, including 77 that have already been passed as of June 23, 2023. […]

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UK: LGBTQ+ journalists seek out community in the face of online attacks

A report published by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity at Birmingham City University in May 2023 provided insight into what it is like to be an LGBTQ+ journalist in the UK — and the situation leaves plenty to be desired. Over three-fourths of the respondents agreed that “it is becoming more dangerous to […]

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Russia: IPI denounces designation of Novaya Gazeta Europe as “undesirable organization”

IPI and its global network today denounce the decision by Russian authorities to designate Novaya Gazeta Europe, a leading independent Russian media outlet, as an “undesirable organization”. The Russian Prosecutor-General’s Office claimed that Novaya Gazeta Europe “created and disseminated tendentious informational materials harming the interests of Russia”. Authorities also accused the outlet of disseminating “false […]

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China: IPI condemns online censorship of journalist Wu Xiaobo

Wu Xiaobo, a prominent Chinese financial and business journalist, has been banned from the Chinese social media app Weibo. The IPI global network condemns this most recent action to censor the Chinese press as well as the government’s long-standing restrictions on the free flow of information. On Tuesday, June 27, a banner appeared on Wu’s […]

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