Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Media freedom groups call for Klan Kosovo business certificate issue to be resolved

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins the undersigned international media freedom organisations and journalist groups in calling for the updated business certificate of Klan Kosova to be accepted by the complaint committee and that all attempts by the Kosovo government to pressure the broadcaster are halted immediately. The latest call by our organisations comes […]

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Turkey Trial Blog: Court releases 15 journalists detained for over a year in Diyarbakır

The International Press Institute (IPI) traveled to Diyarbakır, Turkey, in July 2023 to monitor the first hearing of a case in which 17 Kurdish journalists and 1 media worker – 15 of whom are currently in pre-trial detention are charged with “membership in a terrorist organization” and face a prison sentence up to 15 years. […]

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Polen: Neuer Bericht über die Übernahme von Polska Press durch PKN Orlen bestätigt die Befürchtungen einer Vereinnahmung des Mediums

Read in English Das International Press Institute (IPI) schließt sich heute den unterzeichnenden Organisationen des Konsortiums Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) an und warnt davor, dass die Ergebnisse eines neuen Berichts, der die Auswirkungen der Übernahme des regionalen Nachrichtenverlags Polska Press durch den staatlich kontrollierten polnischen Ölkonzern PKN Orlen bewertet, ein schockierendes Beispiel für die Vereinnahmung […]

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Mexico: IPI condemns the killing of journalist Luis Martín Sánchez Íñiguez

The IPI global network condemns the killing of Mexican journalist Luis Martín Sánchez Íñiguez, who was found dead in the Mexican state of Nayarit after going missing last week. He is at least the fourth journalist to be killed in Mexico this year. IPI urgently calls on the Mexican government to thoroughly investigate all cases […]

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