Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Slovak court blocks book on graft scandal

A Slovak court last week reportedly blocked publication of a book implicating a private equity group in a high-level graft scandal. Local media said a Bratislava court on Thursday granted the Penta group’s request for a preliminary injunction against a book containing information from the so-called “Gorilla” file. The file, which has already circulated online, […]

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Restrictions on independent media in Syria must end, says IPI

Violence has intensified in Syria in the wake of a failed United Nations Security Council Resolution, with news reports suggesting Syrian security forces killed as many as 50 people in the city of Homs on Monday morning. Russia and China on Saturday jointly vetoed a resolution that would have backed an Arab League plan calling […]

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Iran represses independent media ahead of March elections

Iran has begun a widespread campaign of terror against independent media ahead of a 2 March parliamentary election. Amnesty International this week reported on the arrests of 12 journalists and social media activists, while the BBC’s Persian service confirmed that the Iranian government was continuing to pressure it by taking family members of its London-based […]

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UN: Philippines journalist defamation conviction a violation of free speech

In a landmark ruling that could have global implications, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) has found that the conviction of a Philippines journalist on charges of criminal defamation violated the journalist’s right to free expression. The Committee said that the nearly five-year prison sentence imposed on Alexander Adonis of Bombo Radyo in Davao […]

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