Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Tortured, then murdered: journalist found in shallow grave near Acapulco, Mexico

IPI calls on the Mexican authorities to act immediately to stem the systematic killing of reporters, following the brutal murder of radio journalist Juan Daniel Martínez Gil near Acapulco on the evening of Monday 27 July. Gil’s murder is another example of the grave danger the media face in Mexico, which is the Western Hemisphere’s […]

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Media blackout continues as Iran detains journalists, bloggers

The International Press Institute today called on the Iranian government to stop jailing reporters and bloggers and to lift any restrictions on their freedom to move and report freely. In a letter to the Iranian ambassador to Austria, IPI Director David Dadge said, “The Iranian people and the world have a right to information as […]

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IPI calls for end to media crackdown in Iran

IPI today called on Iranian authorities to honour their reassurances, made earlier in the week, that journalists would be allowed to report freely on developments in the country, rocked by violent clashes since last Friday’s contested election results. As protesters gathered on the streets of Tehran, the Iranian government cracked down on foreign news networks, […]

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Italian draft law threatens to silence journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) calls on representatives of the Italian Parliament to reject “draft law 1415”, a legislative proposal that threatens to limit journalists’ ability to provide the public with vital information. The draft law*, proposed by Italian Minister of Justice Angelino Alfano, has already passed in the lower house of parliament and is […]

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