Latest News and Monitoring from India

South Asia publications join hands to cover press freedom violations in the region

Across South Asia press freedom and safety of journalists have suffered a severe setback, as governments have stifled the independent media to control the public narrative. Journalists and media organizations are paying a heavy price for speaking truth to power. On the World Press Freedom Day, five publications from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal joined […]

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Why governments in Asia want to control a media they can no longer command

Across the Asia-Pacific, we’re seeing in real time the tactics being adopted by populist authoritarian governments to control a news media that they can no longer command. The new strategy: a bullying domination through heavy-handed harassment, raids on pretexts of financial irregularity, attacks on news media credibility, culture war outrage and disinformation to distract and […]

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Indian news site takes government to court over new IT rules

On March 9, the Delhi High Court issued a notice in a petition that is challenging the Indian government’s new Information Technology (IT) Rules for digital platforms. The petition was filed by the Foundation for Independent Journalism, which is the publisher of the Indian news site The Wire. Siddharth Varadrajan, the founding editor of The […]

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IPI partners in South Asia highlight hostile environment for women journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) recently launched the first-ever cross-border collaboration project between media organizations in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal. As part of this innovative effort “Covering and investigating attacks against journalists in South Asia: a Cross-Border cooperation”, IPI’s media partners have documented the hostile environment and attacks faced by women journalists in the […]

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