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Letter: Head of Russian state TV sacked over critical reporting

His Excellency Boris Yeltsin President of Russia Office of the President Moscow Russian Federation Vienna, 11 January 1995 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), representing publishers, editors-in-chief and leading journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organisations and news agencies in 89 countries, is most concerned about unconfirmed reports that the head of Russian state television […]

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Journalist killed in Cambodia

His Excellency Norodom Ranariddh First Prime Minister Office of the First Prime Minister Phnom Penh Cambodia Vienna, 12 December 1994 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemns the killing on 9 December 1994 of Mr. Chan Dary, a journalist working for the popular Khmer-language newspaper Koh Santepheap. We are informed that Mr. Chan […]

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Letter: IPI concerned about bomb attacks on Turkish daily’s bureaus

Her Excellency Tansu Ciller Prime Minister of Turkey Prime Minister’s Office Ankara Turkey Vienna, 5 December 1994 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), is most concerned about the recent bomb attacks on bureaus of Özgür Ülke, the Istanbul daily newspaper. We understand that on 3 December 1994, bombs exploded in the Ankara and Istanbul […]

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Letter: IPI concerned about investigation of Russian journalist’s murder

His Excellency Mr. Boris Yeltsin President Moscow Russian Federation Vienna, 28 November 1994 Your Excellency, Over 40 days has passed since Dmitri Kholodov, a journalist working for Moscow’s most popular daily newspaper Moscovski Komsomolets, was killed in a bomb blast. Mr. Kholodov , who had been investigating mafia connections with officers in the Western Army […]

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