Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Croatia

Covid-19 legt prekäre Arbeitsbedingungen kroatischer Journalisten offen

Read in English Mitte März, als die Zahl der Coronavirus-Fälle in ganz Europa anzusteigen begann, reagierte Kroatien rasch mit restriktiven Maßnahmen: Am 13. März wurde der nationale Notstand ausgerufen und am 19. März wurden alle nicht lebensnotwendigen Geschäfte geschlossen. Journalisten gehörten zu den unverzichtbaren Arbeitern, die weiterhin jeden Tag zur Arbeit gingen und sich und […]

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Covid-19 lays bare precarious working conditions of Croatian journalists

Deutsch In mid-March, when the number of coronavirus cases started rising across Europe, Croatia reacted swiftly by imposing restrictive measures: the national state of emergency was declared on March 13, and all non-essential businesses closed on March 19. Journalists were among the essential workers who continued going to work every day, exposing themselves and their […]

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Media freedom violations in the EU under COVID-19

 The COVID-19 pandemic is having a rapid and significant effect on media freedom in the European Union, according to new research published today by IPI. The briefing paper, Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19, shows how in a short space of time, several states have implemented emergency laws and restrictions which challenge the […]

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Novi program potpore istraživačkom novinarstvu u EU

English. Međunarodni institut za medije (IPI) i Europski centar za medijske slobode (ECPMF) objavili su danas novi program potpore prekograničnim projektima istraživačkog novinarstva u zemljama Europske unije vrijedan do 450 tisuća eura. Fond “Istraživačko novinarstvo za Europu – #IJ4EU” (Investigative Journalism for Europe) namijenjen je poticanju i jačanju suradnje među novinarima i redakcijama u […]

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