Latest Publications from Burkina%20Faso

IPI Africa 2023 Press Freedom Monitoring Report

At least 12 journalists were killed in sub-Saharan Africa in 2023, according to monitoring by the International Press Institute (IPI)’s Africa programs. These incidents are among the nearly 600 cases of attacks on journalists and other threats to press freedom that IPI documented in the region last year.  Altogether, IPI documented 591 cases affecting journalists […]

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Appeal: protect exiled Russian journalists in the Czech Republic

In a letter to Czech and European authorities, IPI joins partners of the Safety of Journalists Platform in urging them to address security threats faced by exiled Russian journalists in the Czech Republic. IPI and other signatories are deeply concerned for the safety of Irina Dolinina and Alesya Marakhovskaya of I-Stories, whose safety is threatened […]

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New IPI report examines spyware surveillance and the battle for accountability in European journalism

The International Press Institute (IPI) explores the threat that spyware poses to media freedom in Europe in its new report “Watching the Watchdogs.” Highlighting the use of Predator and Pegasus tools in Greece and Hungary, the report exposes how spyware was used to target journalists and the failure to hold those responsible to account.   […]

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Journalists at risk: insights from the Council of Europe’s Safety Platform

The International Press Institute (IPI) today reiterates the call by the partners of the Council of Europe’s Safety of Journalists Platform. The partners demand that the states take urgent action to counter digital security threats, ensure the well-being of the increasing number of exiled media workers, and address the impact of conflicts like Russia’s war […]

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