On 11 June 2024, a court in Novosibirsk sentenced local journalist Yevgeniya Shelkovnikova to three years of compulsory labor on charges of using violence against a representative of the authorities. The news was reported on by NGS24.ru, the outlet that Shelkovnikova worked for.
According to the outlet, on 22 September 2023 the journalist was dispatched to report on mobilization efforts in Novosibirsk, on the day after partial mobilization for the war in Ukraine was declared in Russia. While at a local recruitment office in the city, Shelkovnikova would have been prevented from carrying out her work by the head of the office, who attempted to physically remove her from the area. In the ensuing conflict, physical violence was used by both sides, with minor injuries sustained by both the military officer and the journalist.
However, only Shelkovnikova was charged in relation to the events.