His Excellency Mr. Ion Iliescu
President of Romania
Office of the President

Vienna, 31 January 1995

Your Excellency,

The International Press Institute (IPI), representing publishers, editors-in-chief and leading journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organisations and news agencies in 89 countries, is deeply concerned about proposed amendments to the Romanian penal code that are widely regarded as a serious threat to press freedom in your country.

In November 1994 the Chamber of Deputies approved amendments to the penal code providing harsh prison terms for, among other things, damaging the reputation of a public official or publishing false information that might damage state security or international relations.

Although the amendments were sent to a conference committee to work out differences with a Senate version that was passed in the spring, IPI is informed that they are expected to be adopted in one form or another and sent to Your Excellency for approval in February or March.

IPI believes the proposed amendments to be so vague as to include almost anything and consequently to be a direct threat to press freedom, which is a fundamental element of any democracy. We therefore strongly urge that the Romanian Parliament modify or eliminate such amendments and, if this is not done, that you refuse to approve them.

We thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Johann P. Fritz