Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Peru: Journalists facing violence, arrests while covering anti-government demonstrations

The IPI global network strongly condemns the spate of recent violence and attacks against journalists covering the anti-government protests in Peru. We urge authorities to take immediate action to bolster protections for the press and to ensure that journalists covering the demonstrations are able to do so safely. Scores of journalists reporting on the protests […]

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Hungary: Investigative media Átlátszó targeted in latest smear campaign

In January 2023, Hungarian investigative media outlet Átlátszó and its editor-in-chief, Tamás Bodoky, became the target of the latest smear campaign in pro-government news outlets aimed at discrediting what remains of the country’s independent media. In the latest escalation of this pressure, Átlátszó and its journalists faced accusations in pro-government media of “betraying” the nation, […]

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Death of Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali must be investigated

IPI, the global network of press freedom, calls for a thorough and independent investigation into the death of Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali, a well-known critic of the Rwandan government who was killed in what authorities have claimed was a traffic accident. Williams Ntwali, an editor of the privately owned newspaper The Chronicles and who […]

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IPI position on the European Media Freedom Act

The International Press Institute (IPI) today published its detailed position on the draft proposal for European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). IPI submitted its position on January 23, 2023, as part of the European Commission’s Public Consultation. Overall, IPI and our global network welcome the proposal for the EMFA as a crucial move to address serious […]

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