Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

EU: Call to MEPs for strong European Media Freedom Act

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins 40 organisations in urging Members of the European Parliament to push for a strong European Media Freedom Act. – IPI position on the European Media Freedom Act – How the European Media Freedom Act could affect Hungary and Poland – European Media Freedom Act breaks significant new ground […]

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MFRR partners document 813 media freedom violations in Europe in 2022

IPI joins its partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in publishing the latest edition of our Monitoring Report, analysing the state of press and media freedom throughout EU Member States and candidate countries in 2022. The report – produced by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the International Press Institute (IPI), and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) […]

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Cameroon: Arrests in journalist murder must be followed by further progress

IPI, the global network for independent journalism, welcomes apparent preliminary progress in the police investigation into last month’s murder of Cameroon journalist Martinez Zogo. IPI urges authorities to pursue the investigation to its full conclusion and hold all culprits responsible according to the law. Martinez Zogo, the director general of radio Amplitude FM, a privately […]

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Ethiopia: Authorities must lift suspension on 15 foreign media outlets

The IPI global network calls on authorities in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State as well as the Ethiopian Media Mass Authority (EMMA) to lift the suspension imposed on 15 foreign media outlets and their reporters from doing their media work  and allow independent reporting. IPI also calls on authorities to reinstate the license of the Somali […]

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