Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Interview: Nigeria’s elections and journalist safety

On February 25, Nigerians will go to the polls in presidential and legislative elections. Ahead of the vote, IPI spoke with Musikilu Mojeed, the editor-in-chief and chief operating officer of the Premium Times, one of Nigeria’s leading media outlets. Mojeed is also the chair of IPI’s Nigeria National Committee. Mojeed spoke to IPI Africa Program […]

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Pakistan: Government seeks to criminalize criticism of the military

The IPI global network is alarmed by a proposed bill in Pakistan that would punish criticism of the Pakistan military and judiciary with prison. The measures would expand on the already restrictive provisions in the criminal code that are increasingly used to slience critial media and independent journalism in Pakistan.  The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Act, […]

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IPI condemns Russian authorities for blocking The Bell website

IPI condemns Russian authorities for blocking the website of The Bell, a major independent media outlet focused on business and technology. The project had already been declared a “foreign agent” by authorities in December, while its founder and IPI board member Elizaveta Osetinskaya was labeled with this status in April. As in previous cases of […]

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India: Government raids BBC offices after airing documentary critical of Modi

The IPI global network condemns the Indian government’s decision to raid the offices of BBC in New Delhi and Mumbai. The Modi government must stop attempting to silence independent media by harassing and intimidating journalists.  Authorities from the Income Tax Department sealed BBC offices on February 14 as part of an investigation into tax violation […]

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