Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

‘Guide to Decoding Disinformation’: New tool helps journalists fight smear campaigns

Faktograf and IPI have launched an online guide to give journalists, fact-checkers and researchers a handy framework to investigate disinformation and smear campaigns targeting media professionals on the frontlines of exposing disinformation. The Guide to Decoding Disinformation offers a step-by-step approach to identifying the tactics, techniques and procedures behind disinformation campaigns, increasingly used to silence […]

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Ukraine: IPI condemns new arrest of journalist by Russian occupying forces

The IPI global network today condemns the detention of journalist Zhanna Kyselova, the former editor of local newspaper Kakhovska Zorya, by Russian occupying authorities in Ukraine’s Kherson region. Kyselova’s detention is a renewed reminder of the dire situation faced by dozens of Ukrainian journalists held in Russian captivity. According to Ukrainian authorities, Kyselova was detained […]

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India: IPI calls for renewed commitment to press freedom

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumes his third term, the IPI global network calls on his administration to honour commitments to ruling with “true faith and allegiance to the constitution” by prioritizing freedom of the press and the safety of journalists.  Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian constitution guarantees the right “to freedom of speech […]

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Mexico: IPI condemns killing of journalist Víctor Alonso Morales Culebro

The IPI global network calls for a swift, independent, and thorough investigation into the killing of journalist Víctor Alonso Morales Culebro in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. We urge authorities to investigate the motive for this brutal killing and to ensure all those involved are brought to justice.  Morales Culebro, who ran the Facebook […]

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