Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Two US journalists detained in North Korea released after surprise visit by former US President Bill Clinton

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes the release of US journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who were detained by North Korea on 17 March close to the North Korean border with China and had been sentenced to 12 years hard labour. They had been reporting on the trafficking of women for Current TV, a […]

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Lubna Hussein ‘trousers’ trial postponed to 7 September

The trial of Sudanese former journalist Lubna Hussein, who faces 40 lashes after being arrested a month ago for wearing trousers, has been postponed, again, until 7 September, according to IPI member and CEO of Turkey’s Hurriyet media group Vuslat Doğan Sabancı, who is in Khartoum following the trial. The further delay is reportedly because […]

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Trial of female journalist arrested for wearing trousers postponed until 7 September; second female journalist faces enormous fine for ‘defamation’

The trial of Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein, who faces 40 lashes after being arrested a month ago for wearing trousers, has been postponed, again, until 7 September, according to International Press Institute (IPI) fellow Vuslat Dogan Sabancı, who was in Khartoum for the hearing. Sabanci is a former board member of IPI and current CEO […]

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Chavez administration’s war on media continues

Venezuela’s Attorney-General, Luisa Ortega Díaz, has introduced a harsh new draft law that could see journalists jailed for up to four years for “media crimes,” fuelling fears about the country’s worsening media freedom climate. The “Special Draft Law against Media Crimes” (“Proyecto de Ley Especial contra Delitos Mediáticos”) – presented before the National Assembly on […]

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