Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

România: Anul super electoral impune o evaluare a libertății presei

O coaliție de organizații pentru libertatea presei va efectua o misiune la București în perioada 17-18 iunie 2024 pentru a evalua principalele provocări în contextul anului super electoral din România. Misiunea va aborda influența politică asupra mass-mediei, amenințările legale la adresa activității jurnaliștilor și a siguranței acestora. O conversație cu presa va încheia activitățile coaliției. […]

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Romania: super election year calls for press freedom assessment

A coalition of media freedom organizations will conduct a mission to Bucharest on 17-18 June 2024 to assess key challenges amid Romania’s super election year. The mission will address political influence on media, legal threats to journalists’ work and their safety, culminating in a conversation with the press. In Romania, European and local elections in […]

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Ukraine: Concern over independence of national press agency

The IPI global network today expressed concern over Ukraine’s decision to appoint a Ukrainian army officer as the new head of national news agency Ukrinform. Serhiy Cherevatiy’s professional competence notwithstanding, the decision raises serious questions about Ukrinform’s independence, especially in the context of reports by Ukrainian media on alleged attempts by the office of the […]

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Urgent action is needed to address the financial deadlock facing Radio Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina

To:  Mr Denis Zvizdić, First Deputy of Chairman, House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of  Bosnia and Herzegovina  ([email protected]) Mr Mladen Bošković, Vice President of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ([email protected]) Mr Elmedin Konaković, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina  ([email protected]) Mr Edin […]

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