Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Letter: IPI condemns new parliamentary controls of media in Albania

H. E. Dr. Sali Berisha President of the Republic of Albania Office of the President Tirana Albania Vienna, 3 March 1997 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the introduction by Albania’s parliament of controls on the media. We are informed that parliament, responding to a surge of anti-government violence sparked by high-risk […]

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Letter: Zambia editor faces criminal defamation charges

H. E. Frederick Chiluba President of the Republic of Zambia State House Lusaka Zambia Vienna, 18 February, 1997 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organisations and news agencies in over 90 countries, is most concerned about the upcoming trial of Fred M’membe, […]

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Letter: Serb authorities occupy broadcasting station

H. E. Slobodan Milosevic President Republic of Serbia Vienna, 23 January 1997 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organisations and news agencies in over 90 countries, strongly condemns the forceful occupation by Serb authorities of RTK, the broadcasting station of Kragujevac. IPI […]

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Letter: Philippines radio editor shot dead outside his home, wife also wounded

H. E. Fidel Ramos President Malacańang Palace Manila The Philippines Vienna, 18 December 1996 The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemns the killing of an editor of one of the Philippines’ largest radio stations. Roberto Berbon, editor of the DZMM radio station, was shot in the head and body by three gunmen on Sunday, 15 […]

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