Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Letter: IPI concerned about Greek authorities increased use of prison sentences to punish journalists

H. E Victor Klima Federal Chancellor of Austria Presidency of the Council of the European Union Vienna Republic of Austria Vienna, 10 December 1998 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute, the global network of editors and media executives dedicated to protecting and furthering freedom of the press, is deeply concerned about the Greek authorities’ escalating […]

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Letter: Editors go on hunger strike in Azerbaijan to protest continued threats to independent media

H.E. Haydar Aliyev President of Azerbaijan Baku Azerbaijan Republic Vienna, 19 November 1998 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, is most concerned about the continued repressed state of the independent press in Azerbaijan. We are informed that, as of 18 November 1998, 21 editors of the […]

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Letter: Turkish journalists beaten and detained in Italy

H.E. Rosa Russo-Jervolino Minister of the Interior Ministry of the Interior Rome Italy Vienna, 16 November 1998 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, strongly condemns the beating of Turkish journalists in Rome on Saturday, 14 November, and the reported detention of five Turkish journalists in Palestrina, […]

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Letter: Secret military tribunal set up to imprison journalists in Kosovo

Mr. Adem Demaqi Political Representative of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) Pristina Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Vienna, 13 November 1998 Dear Sir, The International Press Institute (IPI) is most concerned about reports that the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) has used a military tribunal to impose prison sentences to two employees of the Yugoslav state news […]

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