Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

IPI takes Vienna Declaration on Terrorism, Media and the Law to EU Commission

IPI Press Freedom Manager Anthony Mills visited the EU Commission last week to discuss with various EU officials IPI’s Vienna Declaration on Terrorism, Media and the Law. He was accompanied by the lead drafter of the declaration, Toby Mendel, now executive director of the Canada-based Center for Law and Democracy and formerly senior director for […]

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IPI delegation raises issues of impunity and self-censorship with human rights ombudsman, holds discussions with media outlets in first leg of Russia advocacy mission

The International Press Institute (IPI), a media freedom organisation with an almost 60-year history of defending liberty of the press, on Wednesday began a five day advocacy mission to Russia, one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists. The mission began with an investigation into the events surrounding the brutal attack on a Khimki-based […]

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Baidoa radio station shut; director and news editor held by Al-Shabab militants

Al-Shabab militants in the Somali town of Baidoa yesterday shut down privately-owned Radio Warsan, and took the station’s director and news editor into custody. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), al-Shabab forces in Baidoa entered the station’s premises on 30 September 2009 at 4 P.M, and demanded that the FM station stop […]

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IPI calls for immediate repeal of rights-limiting Honduras emergency decree

The International Press Institute (IPI) on Wednesday called on the de facto Honduran government to repeal an emergency decree suspending media freedom and some civil liberties. A day after the decree limiting constitutional rights was issued on Sunday, troops closed down Radio Globo and a television station that backed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who was […]

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