Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Interview with María Teresa Ronderos – Foundation for Freedom of the Press

María Teresa Ronderos is the president of the Colombian Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) and a teacher at the Foundation for the Ibero American New Journalism (FNPI). She is also a consulting editor for Semana, a prestigious economic and political magazine, which reported on the illegal wire- tapping of politicians and journalists between […]

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Sri Lankan news website banned as government pressure on media persists

A Sri Lankan court on Thursday placed a national ban on the news website until 12 May. The court also extended the remand of Shantha Wijesooriya – a journalist working for the website who was arrested on 25 April for contempt of court – until 12 May, when the next court hearing is scheduled […]

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IPI alarmed by death of Salvadoran cameraman

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed alarm at the death of Salvadoran Channel 33 television cameraman Alfredo Hurtado, who was gunned down on a bus Tuesday evening in suburban San Salvador on his way to work. Authorities said two unknown young men boarded the bus, approached Hurtado and opened fire, leaving a dozen bullet […]

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IPI condemns arson threat on publisher of the Liberian Daily Observer

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned arson threats against the Liberian Daily Observer that were made on 2 April. The publisher and the marketing manager of the Monrovia-based Daily Observer each recently received threatening phone calls from an unknown caller who said that Publisher and Managing Director Kenneth Y. Best’s house would be burnt […]

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