Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Russia: 83 IPI members send letter to imprisoned reporter Evan Gershkovich

On March 29, 2023, Russian authorities detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Soon after, he was transferred to Moscow’s Lefortovo prison and charged with espionage, an accusation which he and his colleagues have strongly rejected and for which Russian authorities have produced no evidence. Today, one year after these events, 83 IPI members from […]

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IPI Nigeria calls on authorities to produce abducted FirstNews editor Segun Olatunji

The International Press Institute (IPI) joins its Nigerian National Committee in expressing urgent concern about the safety and security of FirstNews editor Segun Olatunji, who was taken from his home on March 15 by men in military-style uniforms. The IPI global network is closely following this case, and we join the call on Nigeria’s military […]

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DRC: IPI welcomes release of journalist Stanis Bujakera but condemns ‘false news’ conviction

The IPI global network welcomes the release of DRC journalist Stanis Bujakera after six months of detention on various charges including forgery and publishing falsehoods. Bujakera was convicted and given a suspended sentence of six months. While welcoming his release on March 19, IPI nevertheless condemns his arrest and conviction. Bujakera works for the online […]

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The Outlook: Find out what your audience wants from your journalism with user interviews

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. This is The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter, where we take a look at tools and strategies for innovation, and learn from newsrooms that are implementing them. In this newsletter we write about developing audience-first […]

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