Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Letter: IPI concerned about legal action taken by Singapore against an American professor and the IHT

His Excellency Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong Office of the Prime Minister Istana Annexe, Istana Singapore Vienna, 22 November 1994 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI) is most concerned about the legal action taken by the Republic of Singapore against an American professor and the International Herald Tribune for an opinion piece that criticised […]

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Letter: IPI protests at treatment of Nigerian Nobel prize-winning author Wole Soyinka

His Excellency General Sani Abacha President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces State House Abuja Nigeria Vienna, 11 November 1994 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), protests most strongly against the recent seizure of Nobel prize-winning author Wole Soyinka’s United Nations passport and the travel ban imposed on him. We are informed that on […]

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Letter: IPI protests attempt to prohibit members of Alliance of Independent Journalists from covering the APEC summit in Jakarta

His Excellency General Suharto President Office of the President Jakarta Indonesia Vienna, 17 October 1994 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly protests the attempt to prohibit members of the recently-formed Alliance of Independent Journalists from covering the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) summit in Jakarta. The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) was established […]

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Letter: IPI concerned about UN Secretariat’s decision to reject the application of four Taiwanese correspondents to cover the UN GA

His Excellency Boutros Boutros-Ghali Secretary General United Nations New York, NY USA Vienna, 11 October 1994 The International Press Institute (IPI), representing editors and leading journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organisations and news agencies in over 80 countries, is most concerned about the United Nations Secretariat’s recent decision to reject the application of four Taiwanese […]

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