Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Journalist tortured by elite Bangladesh security forces

Bangladeshi journalist F.M. Masum, a staff correspondent of the daily New Age in Bangladesh, was on Thursday (22 Oct.) taken from his residence by members of the country’s infamous Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and was then held incommunicado, and brutally tortured, for over ten hours, before being released. Masum, who had injury marks all over […]

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Saudi king spares LBC fixer Rosana Al-Yami 60 lashes

King Abdullah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz Al Saud pardoned Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) fixer and production assistant Rosana Al-Yami on Monday, 26 October after she had been sentenced this past weekend to 60 lashes. According to Reuters, Al-Yami was punished on the grounds that LBC was not licensed to operate in Saudi Arabia. Rosana Al-Yami, 22, was the […]

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Ten years after murder of Financial Times correspondent Sander Thoenes in East Timor, ‘Frontline Club’ commemoration in London condemns impunity

Ten years after Dutch Financial Times correspondent Sander Thoenes was murdered in East Timor, participants at a commemoration held at the ‘Frontline Club’ in London demanded that the Indonesian authorities bring to justice those responsible for his killing. In September 1999, Thoenes went to East Timor to report on the aftermath of a referendum vote for independence […]

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IPI joins other press freedom and human rights groups in condemning harsh crackdown on press freedom in Morocco

23 October 2009 – We, the undersigned organisations defending freedom of expression, call on the Moroccan government to stop the current crackdown against press freedom, which has become the most serious since King Mohamed VI was crowned in 1999. Repression of free expression rights has been escalating for the last three months. After publishing a […]

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