Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Two reporters shot as security conditions deteriorate in Somalia

Two journalists have been shot at and wounded in the last two days in what continues to be a hostile environment for journalists, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). Voice of America (VOA) reporter Mohammed Yasin Isak was shot in the shoulder Tuesday evening at around 8 p.m. while returning to his […]

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IPI India announces recipients of its annual award

The Week correspondent, Bidisha Ghosal, and the English-language daily Indian Express are the joint winners of the 2009 Award for Excellence in Journalism, presented by the Indian chapter of the International Press Institute (IPI). The award ceremony will take place in December. “IPI congratulates the recipients of the IPI-India award on their important achievement,” said IPI Deputy Director […]

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PRESS FREEDOM UPDATE: United States President touches upon human rights concerns during official visit to China

United States President Barack Obama today said discussions with China about human rights will resume early next year, following international calls for the president to address specific concerns on the issues of press freedom and human rights violations. At a press conference today with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Obama, Hu said both sides had […]

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Zambian court throws out Chansa Kabwela obscenity case

A magistrate in Lusaka, Zambia today threw out the case against the Post editor Chansa Kabwela, who was charged with distributing obscene materials in a case brought against her by the state after she sent photos of a woman giving birth in the street to Zambia’s vice president and health minister to draw attention to the consequences […]

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