Latest News and Monitoring from India

#IPIWoCo Recap: Reporting on elections amid declining democracy

With democracy under pressure globally, journalism faces growing hurdles to upholding the public’s access to independent news during pivotal election periods, editors from five countries — Turkey, Brazil, Kenya, Poland, and India — told the 2023 IPI World Congress. In media landscapes around the world, common themes emerged throughout the May 25 panel, titled “Journalism in […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Cutting loose from media capture

There is a light at the end of the tunnel after media capture, and different strategies are being developed at the political and economic level to help safeguard independent media from hostile takeovers, panellists agreed during a discussion at the IPI World Congress in Vienna on May 26. While undemocratic models of controlling media ecosystems […]

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IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneer award: 10 trailblazing organizations shortlisted

The International Press Institute (IPI) and IMS (International Media Support) are proud to announce this year’s shortlist for the IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneer award. These are 10 outstanding organizations on five continents that are blazing trails in defence of the public’s right to independent news. The IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneer award is presented to organizations […]

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India: Government amends IT Rules to further restrict press freedom

The IPI global network strongly condemns the Indian government’s decision to pass the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Amendment Rules 2023, which grants the government broad powers to censor online news and information. The Modi government must stop expanding its control over the media through the use of draconian laws that […]

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