Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Croatia

Death threats to editorial of weekly magazine Nacional in Croatia

The editorial office of the weekly magazine Nacional received death threats in an SMS message on Monday, 20 May 2024. The SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners are calling on the relevant institutions in Croatia to immediately respond, find, and prosecute the perpetrator. The message sent to Nacional’s official phone contained […]

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Media capture in Croatia: how the State uses funding to control local media

On December 12, the Croatian weekly Nacional published recordings revealing that Jurica Lovrinčević, an advisor to the then Minister of Economy, had offered to award public money, via advertisements placed by state-owned companies and institutions, to local television Mreža TV, while requesting part of the sum be transferred back to him.  Following these revelations, both […]

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Croatia: “Anti-leaks” legislation and new media law proposal spell trouble for journalists

The Croatian government is looking to criminalize unauthorized leaks of material from criminal proceedings. While the authorities insist that the new law will protect the presumption of innocence, media professionals and numerous law experts decry the proposal, warning it will silence journalists and their potential sources. The outcry over the “anti-leak” legislation comes shortly after […]

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[Faktograf] Disinformation spreaders across Europe are running a chase against fact-checkers

Fact-checkers across Europe are exposed to attacks, insults, and threats, and as a form of pressure, so-called SLAPP lawsuits, according to research conducted for Faktograf by Tijana Cvjeticanin. A total of 41 fact-checking media were participating in the survey.   This article is part of the project Decoding the disinformation playbook of populism in Europe, […]

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